
Many hours I spend in contemplation,

Organizing the perfect words,

Phrases and thoughts of expressing,

Exactly how I feel for You. 



Imagining an extraordinary delivery.

Perhaps a Hal-mark card?

Me singing a song on a classic guitar?


A photograph?

Maybe a rhyme posted on a Billboard?



Many hours I spend in contemplation,

Organizing the perfect words,

Phrases and thoughts of expressing,

Exactly how I feel for You.



And just as a concussion would, my mind is jumbled,

From merely a revelation.

I ask myself….

In all this time I’ve spent pondering the perfect words,

Translating them into different languages,

And enacting our conversations,

Have I even mentioned how I feel at all?



Have I told you that….

You are wonderful?

You are the Best?

You are brilliant?

You are breathtaking?

You are extraordinary?

You are awesome?




Have I mentioned that I am overwhelmed with Love and feeling for You?



This may very well be… my First Time!