Avenged Sevenfold Rocks!

 WOW! This concert was one of the best I have ever been to.  And you know I have had my share of concerts being married to a musician and all.  Their light show, led screens and back drops were fantastic and even had fireworks throughout the entire show.  They even covered a Guns and Roses song and Slash himself was there to do his solo.  Slash busted a string as soon as he got on stage too but still nailed his solo.  The crowd was wild and interesting enough for it being a metal show, there wasn’t any trouble that broke out.  I was loving it.  Especially since we got seats pratically right in front of Synester and you know I was all over it.  I can honestly say A7X is my favorite band.  They Rock!  And if you haven’t had the chance to go see them in concert, well you are definitely missing out…..

I am posting a few pics that I took with my Blackberry but since I have pratically no memory, I was only able to take a few.  And I had my camera focused. Lol

All in all, I received a little bit of that excitement I was crying about needing….  And You know it  made me Scream……








Check out my other A7X posts…..

Avenged Sevenfold Lyrics Rock!